All posts tagged: cookies

3rd advent weekend – christmas spiced cookies

***German below*** Only one week left till christmas ❤ I can’ wait. So last chance to make some christmas cookies I guess. Therefore, I have another one of my favourite recipes for you. These christmas spiced cookies contain chai tea and gingerbread spice among others. They smell amazing and taste even better. Plus I love making them in all kinds of different shapes. Ingredients 100g dried dates 60ml water 30ml maple syrup 50g coconut oil melted 100g wholegrain spelt flour 100g grounded hazelnuts 1tsp baking powder 1tsp cinnamon 1tsp gingerbread spice 1tsp vanilla sugar  (I always make my own by mixing stevia with the inner part of a vanilla pod. Fill everthing into a can or box and add the rest of the pod. You can store it a couple of weeks) 1tsp chai tea (use the tea powder out of a tea bag) optional: a little bit grounded ginger For decoration: you can either use melted dark chocolate, icing or jam. First put the dried dates in a bowl and add water and maple syrup. …